
May 2023, Our paper on “Robust Policy Iteration of Uncertain Interconnected Systems with Imperfect Data” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering.

March 2023, I have succesfully defended my dissertation on March 31st, 2023. 



March 2023, Our paper on “Adaptive Optimal Control for Discrete-Time Linear Systems via Hybrid Iteration” has been accepted for presentation at the 2023 IEEE 12th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference.

February 2023, Our paper on “Hybrid Iteration ADP Algorithm to Solce Cooperative, Optimal Output Regulation Problem for Continuous-Time, Linear, Multi-Agent Systems: Theory and Application in Islanded Modern Microgrids With IBRs” has been accepted to the IEEE Transactions in Industrial Electronics.

January 2023, I have presented our paper entitled “Autonomous Satellite via Adaptive Optimal Output Regulation: A Reinforcement Learning Approach” accepted to the 33rd AAS/AIAA Space Flights Mechanics Meeting, 2023. 

September 2022, I have been awarded Student Travel Support to attend CDC2022. Thanks IEEE CDC.

August 2022, I will be presenting our paper entitled “Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Data-Driven Cooperative Optimal Output Regulation with Adaptive Observers” accepeted to the Conference on Decision and Control.

January 2022, I have been awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student at Florida Tech for the year of 2021.